Etching is a fine art process used to produce an original print. It is an intaglio technique meaning the image is established below the surface of a metal plate.
The artist makes a drawing (in reverse) on the plate using many different techniques and materials, then covers some parts of the plate and leaves others exposed.
The plate is then immersed in a bath of corrosive acid and the exposed lines and tones of the artist’s drawing are bitten into the surface of the plate.
The resulting grooves, tiny marks and holes are then filled with printing ink by covering the entire plate with colour and wiping the surplus away.
The ink charged plate is then covered by a sheet of dampened paper and passed through an etching press where immense pressure transfers the image from metal to paper.
These etchings are part of a series of Limited Editions which can be purchased either framed or unframed.
The etchings are framed in a limed white frame and prices range from €150 to €190, whilst unframed prices range from €100 to €130.